Tense Changes

By: Jim Townsend
State Senator District 34
The first week of the Legislature is complete and the work of Committees looks to be set. Let me give you a hint of the tenor of this year’s Legislative Majority.
House Health passed HB 11 Paid Family Leave. A new tax on workers and businesses all Democrats supported, and all Republicans opposed. This Bill has a cost of $370M annually and required 200 new employees to administer.
Senate Rules Committee passed Senate Bill 5, creating Game Commission reforms with a expanded mission.
All Democrats supported with one Republican supporting and the balance of Republicans opposed. I opposed the Bill because expanding New Mexico Government almost always works against the working people. I believe this will occur here as well if it passes through.
Tuesday was a busy day; SB4 The Clean Horizon Bill aka tracking Green House Gas Emissions passed Senate Conservation. It is a tough Bill on business including Ranching and Oil and Gas. This Bill is referred to as “Net Zero” Bill which purports to reduce New Mexico green house gas Emissions 100% by 2050. This is an anti-oil and gas bill carried by Sen Mimi Stewart. The effect of this Bill is staggering. I guess some just can’t stand prosperity, knowing full well that history shows where energy is cheap and abundant, the people thrive.
It is interesting that this week our New Mexico Environmental Department Announced that they were going to delay new Air Permits because their department was underfunded all while backing increases in Air Permit Fees by 500%. Only in the City Different is this possible. Representative Bill Gray used to say Santa Fe was 40 square miles surrounded by reality, and he was right on this too.
Democrat Representative Sarianna is touting a Set Back Bill. The effects of this bill would greatly harm many mineral interests owners who may own Mineral Interests in this set back area. This Bill would impact all of the industry by changing the mission of the Oil Conservation Commission and even they believe it is duplicative and inefficient and will lead to over regulation. Imagine the OCD saying that.
There are other industry harming Bill’s coming, HB33 Representative Sarianna prohibiting new emissions, SB23 Oil and Gas Royalty Increases carried by Democrat Senator George Munoz, SB9 Increasing Civil Penalties by Democrat Senator Soules. The list goes on and on. We are still waiting for anti-crime bills to come forward with the veracity of campaign slogans, I won’t hold my breath.
The majority has stated they want all of their important bills on the governor’s desk 30 days into the session, so that tells the story. We can now determine what is most important to them and I will wait for their promised bills that increase public safety, create jobs and opportunity and try to enhance our failing education system.