Jesus Said-I Am

By: Pastor Ty Houghtaling
These are the seven “I Am” statements of Jesus. In John 6:35, Jesus says, “I Am the bread of life”. Jesus said He gives life, we know that life needs nourishment, He said He was the nourishment we need. Jesus said in John 8:12, “I Am the light of the world”. Jesus said that He makes things illuminated so that we can see, His light brings hope and expels the darkness that steals life. Jesus said in John 10:9, “I Am the gate”. After running into one obstacle after another it is by God’s grace that we finally find the open gate that leads into the green pastors of Heaven. Jesus is that open gate. Jesus said in John 10:11, “I Am the good shepherd”. Shepherds care for and protect their flocks. Who better to care for and protect you than Jesus? In John 11:25, Jesus said, “I Am the resurrection and the life”. The Bible calls death our great enemy. Jesus says He has conquered death. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I Am the way the truth and the life”. There is one way and only one way to Heaven, Jesus is that way. That’s the truth and belief in Him alone leads to eternal life. Jesus said in John 15:1, “I Am the true vine”. He is the vine; we are the branches. iykyk!
Ty Houghtaling is the Pastor at the First Baptist Church in Artesia