Click It or Ticket nets more than 300 citations

STATEWIDE — The New Mexico State Police (NMSP) have reported that their participation in the annual Click It or Ticket campaign May 20 – June 2 was a success.

NMSP officers were on the lookout across all roadways in the state for proper seatbelt use among drivers and passengers. Over the course of the campaign, officers issued a total of 373 citations, 232 for lack of seatbelt use and 21 for lack of child restraint.

A total of six arrests also resulted from the campaign as one driver pulled over for lack of seatbelt use was found to be DWI and five others were found to have outstanding warrants.

‘The safety of motorists is a top priority of the New Mexico State Police, and officers will continue to conduct operations throughout the year,’ the NMSP said in a release. ‘We encourage the public to drive safely and obey all laws while traveling the highways of New Mexico.’